Bakuchiol vs Retinol: Which Is the Better Anti-Aging Ingredient


Are you debating between bakuchiol vs retinol for anti-aging? Both ingredients are celebrated for their skin-rejuvenating properties, but they have distinct characteristics and benefits. This comprehensive guide compares bakuchiol, a natural, gentler alternative to retinol, with the potent, vitamin A-derived retinol. We discuss their effectiveness in reducing wrinkles, supporting skin elasticity, and enhancing overall skin health. Additionally, explore which ingredient is more suitable for sensitive skin and the scientific evidence backing each option. Equip yourself with the knowledge to choose the right anti-aging ingredient for your skincare needs.



In the sprawling world of skincare, Bakuchiol has emerged as a front-runner, making waves as a natural alternative to retinol. So, what is Bakuchiol? A magical compound sourced from the seeds and leaves of the Psoralea corylifolia plant, Bakuchiol offers an array of skin benefits without the typical side effects of traditional retinol.

Tracing back the origin of Bakuchiol, it isn’t some modern-day concoction. Rooted deep in the annals of Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, it has been a cherished ingredient for centuries. It’s fascinating to see how something so ancient, bearing the weight of traditional medicine behind it, has seamlessly fit into today’s skincare regimen. This rich historical context, combined with its efficacy, makes Bakuchiol a promising ingredient for those mindful of their skin and respectful of nature’s offerings.

As we dive deeper, we’ll unravel the multifaceted benefits of this compound. From being a gift of traditional medicine to a darling of modern skincare, Bakuchiol’s journey is as enriching as its properties.


Bakuchiol vs Retinol

Retinol and Bakuchiol – these two names often circulate in the same skincare conversations. And for a good reason. Both promise to bring life back to dull skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance the skin’s overall appearance. But how do they stack up against each other?

Let’s delve into the crux of the Bakuchiol vs. Retinol benefits debate.


The Key Differences Between the Two

At their core, retinol and bakuchiol serve similar objectives – addressing skin concerns like fine lines and wrinkles and uneven skin tone. However, their mechanisms and origins differ substantially.

  • Mechanism: While retinol works by speeding up the cell turnover process, Bakuchiol takes a gentler approach, providing similar benefits but without causing as much irritation.


Side Effects of Traditional Retinol Use

Retinol’s effectiveness isn’t without caveats. There are several retinol side effects that users often complain about:

  • Irritation: Redness, peeling, and increased sensitivity are some immediate side effects, especially for first-time users or those with sensitive skin.
  • Sun Sensitivity: Retinol can make the skin more susceptible to sunburn. Pairing it with a robust SPF is always recommended.
  • Not suitable for all: Pregnant and nursing individuals are often advised to steer clear of retinol due to potential risks.


Evidence-Based Advantages of Bakuchiol vs Retinol

When it comes to the benefits of Bakuchiol, it’s not just about being a plant-based natural alternative. Several studies indicate a multitude of benefits:

  • Gentler on Skin: Bakuchiol offers a less irritating experience. This makes it a natural alternative to retinol for those with sensitive skin.
  • No Sun Sensitivity: Unlike retinol, Bakuchiol doesn’t increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun. This means you can use it both during the day and at night without any heightened risk of sun damage.
  • Suitable for All: With no known contraindications, Bakuchiol is a safer option for all, including pregnant and nursing individuals.

In the grand scheme of skincare, both retinol and bakuchiol have their rightful places. But for those seeking a less abrasive, natural alternative, the benefits of Bakuchiol certainly shine a bit brighter. And with continued research, its prominence in the skincare realm is only poised to grow.


Bakuchiol vs Retinol Scientific Evidence

Bakuchiol and retinol are both topical agents used for the treatment of photoaging. Bakuchiol, a phytochemical, has been shown to have cutaneous anti-aging effects and is considered a functional analogue of retinol, inducing similar gene expression in the skin and leading to improvement of cutaneous photodamage.

A randomized, double-blind study comparing bakuchiol 0.5% cream applied twice daily with retinol 0.5% cream applied daily over 12 weeks found that both significantly decreased wrinkle surface area and hyperpigmentation with no statistical difference in efficacy between the two. However, bakuchiol was better tolerated, with retinol users reporting more facial skin scaling and stinging.

Further research has suggested that bakuchiol shares some common features with retinol but also demonstrates additional positive effects, such as high antioxidative efficacy, decreased levels of pro-inflammatory markers, and accelerated epidermal regeneration and wound healing.

These findings suggest that bakuchiol could be a more tolerable alternative to retinol, with a potentially broader range of skin benefits.


Skincare Benefits of Bakuchiol

When it comes to radiant, youthful skin, Bakuchiol is the newcomer on the block that’s making waves. Rooted in age-old traditions, this natural compound is now hailed as a game-changer in modern skincare. Let’s delve deeper into why this botanical powerhouse is rising in the ranks.


Addressing Wrinkles and Signs of Aging

No one is immune to the hands of time, and with age, our skin begins to show fine lines and wrinkles. Enter Bakuchiol for wrinkles. Unlike its synthetic counterparts, Bakuchiol takes a gentler, more holistic approach.

  • Natural Power: Recent studies show that Bakuchiol exhibits properties that reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, almost at par with retinol. The advantage? Less irritation and sensitivity.
  • Cell Renewal: Bakuchiol encourages the skin to renew, unveiling a fresher, youthful complexion beneath the surface.


Promoting Skin Elasticity

Elasticity is the skin’s ability to bounce back, a vital aspect of youthful skin. Decreasing skin elasticity is a natural part of aging, but certain ingredients can slow this process. Bakuchiol for skin elasticity is becoming a preferred choice for many.

  • Protection Against Environmental Stressors: External factors like pollution can degrade skin elasticity. Bakuchiol provides a protective barrier, shielding the skin from these harmful elements.


Moisturising Properties and Benefits for Hydration

Dry skin can accentuate fine lines and wrinkles and make the skin look dull. Hydration is key, and Bakuchiol’s moisturising benefits are worth noting.

  • Natural Moisturising Factor: Bakuchiol aids in retaining the skin’s natural moisture, preventing dehydration and the tightness that often comes with it.
  • Barrier Enhancement: By reinforcing the skin’s barrier, Bakuchiol ensures that moisture remains locked in, leaving the skin feeling soft, smooth, and well-hydrated.


Sensitive Skin Solutions

Sensitive skin requires a gentle touch, and the skincare industry constantly searches for ingredients that can nurture without causing irritation. Bakuchiol emerges as a beacon of hope in this context.


Bakuchiol’s Gentleness on Sensitive Skin

For those constantly combatting redness, itching, and sensitivity, the quest for suitable skincare can be relentless. Bakuchiol for sensitive skin offers a compelling proposition.

  • Natural Composition: Unlike some synthetic compounds that can aggravate sensitive skin, Bakuchiol, being naturally derived, offers a gentler approach. This ensures reduced flare-ups and irritation.
  • Balancing Act: Bakuchiol also helps in maintaining the skin’s pH level, crucial for those with sensitivity.


Potential Reactions and How to Address Them

While Bakuchiol is hailed for its gentleness, no ingredient is immune to causing reactions in certain individuals. Being aware of Bakuchiol skin reactions is essential.

  • Patch Test: Before fully integrating Bakuchiol into your routine, perform a patch test. This can help detect any possible reactions ahead of time.
  • Mild Reactions: If redness or itching occurs, it’s advisable to stop usage and consult a dermatologist.

Anti-Aging Properties

Aging is a natural process, but the skincare industry has long been fascinated with ingredients that can combat its visible signs. Bakuchiol steps up as an effective contender.


Delving into Studies on its Anti-Aging Effects

Research on Bakuchiol anti-aging studies has provided some enlightening results.

  • Comparative Analysis: Studies have shown that Bakuchiol can offer retinol-like benefits, reducing fine lines and wrinkles without the associated side effects.
  • Increased Collagen Production: Collagen, a natural protein, decreases with age. Bakuchiol has been evidenced to boost its production, thus enhancing skin firmness.

How it Combats Signs of Aging Naturally

Harnessing nature’s potential, Bakuchiol provides a holistic approach to aging.

  • Antioxidant Properties: Bakuchiol helps neutralise free radicals, major culprits behind premature aging.
  • Skin Renewal: By promoting cell turnover, Bakuchiol unveils fresher, younger-looking skin.



Acne and Blemishes

Clear skin is a universal desire, and acne is a formidable foe. Enter Bakuchiol – a potential solution.


Bakuchiol’s Effectiveness Against Acne

For those beleaguered with breakouts, Bakuchiol for acne-prone skin might just be the answer.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Bakuchiol reduces inflammation, addressing one of the root causes of acne.
  • Pore Purification: It aids in unclogging pores, reducing the occurrence of acne.


Addressing Blemishes and Improving Skin Clarity

Beyond acne, Bakuchiol for blemishes offers promising benefits.

  • Skin Texture: Regular use can lead to a smoother skin texture, diminishing the appearance of blemishes.
  • Even Skin Tone: It works on evening out the skin tone, addressing dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

Safety & Precautions

Ensuring the safety of an ingredient is paramount, especially when it comes to skincare. We often encounter various ingredients with bold claims in our quest for better skin health. Bakuchiol is gaining popularity not just for its efficacy but also for its safety. Let’s delve deeper into its safety profile and necessary precautions.

Regarding the Bakuchiol safety profile, the initial findings are promising.

  • Less Irritation: Unlike many potent skincare ingredients, Bakuchiol offers the benefits without the common side effects such as peeling or redness. This is particularly beneficial for those with sensitive skin.
  • Natural Origin: Being a naturally derived compound, Bakuchiol doesn’t carry the potential hazards that some synthetic skincare ingredients might possess.


Use During Pregnancy and Precautions

One common concern in skin care is the safety of products during pregnancy. For many expectant mothers, the question arises: Is bakuchiol during pregnancy safe?

  • Pregnancy-Safe: Preliminary research indicates that Bakuchiol can be considered safer than retinol during pregnancy. However, as with any skincare product, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before use during this sensitive period.
  • Allergy Alert: Regardless of its safety profile, individuals should do a patch test before full-scale application to ensure no allergic reactions.


Application Methods

Getting the most out of any skincare product often comes down to its correct application. Understanding the application methods of Bakuchiol can maximise its benefits.


Guidance on Bakuchiol Serum Application

Serums are known to be potent carriers of active ingredients. When it comes to Bakuchiol serum application, there’s a right way to do it.

  • Cleanse First: As with any serum, start with a freshly cleansed face. This ensures the active ingredients penetrate effectively.
  • Dose: A pea-sized amount is typically enough. Spread it evenly across the face.
  • Follow-up: After application, once the serum is absorbed, follow up with a moisturiser to lock in the benefits and keep the skin hydrated.


Comprehensive Methods on How to Use Bakuchiol Effectively

Making Bakuchiol a regular part of your skincare routine requires a holistic approach. So, how to use Bakuchiol to its full potential?

  • Consistency is Key: Like any skincare ingredient, consistency in application yields results. Use it daily for the best outcomes.
  • Time it Right: Evening application is recommended, though Bakuchiol does not increase sun sensitivity like retinol.
  • Mixing with Other Products: Bakuchiol pairs well with other ingredients like hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. However, always introduce one new product at a time to gauge skin’s reaction.



Ingredient Synergy

As we delve deeper into the world of Bakuchiol, an emerging superstar in the skincare realm, it’s crucial to understand how it harmonises with other ingredients. After all, most of us don’t apply just one product and call it a day. We layer serums, creams, and oils to achieve that coveted glow. So, let’s unravel the mystery of which ingredients make Bakuchiol shine even brighter.


Ingredients that Pair Well with Bakuchiol for Enhanced Benefits

  • Hyaluronic Acid: Often considered the gold standard for hydration, hyaluronic acid pairs beautifully with Bakuchiol. The synergy between Bakuchiol and hyaluronic acid maximises moisture retention, making the skin appear plump and youthful.
  • Vitamin C: When tackling uneven skin tone or dark spots, combining Bakuchiol and Vitamin C can be a game-changer. While Vitamin C brightens, Bakuchiol ensures skin remains soft and irritation-free.
  • Peptides: These short chains of amino acids are vital for collagen production. Using peptides alongside Bakuchiol can enhance skin’s firmness and elasticity.

Remember, while layering products can offer multiple benefits, always conduct a patch test when introducing new combinations into your regimen.


Buying and Storage Tips

When you’re searching for the perfect Bakuchiol product, it’s not just about the ingredient itself. The source and how you store it can profoundly influence its effectiveness on your skin.


Benefits of Buying Organic or Sustainably Sourced Bakuchiol

  • Transparency and Trustworthiness: Sustainable sourcing of Bakuchiol ensures that the ingredient has been derived with respect for the environment. It often indicates a brand’s commitment to both ecological and social responsibilities.
  • Higher Potency: Organic Bakuchiol might retain more natural, beneficial properties than its non-organic counterparts. This ensures you’re getting the best nature has to offer.
  • Reduced Chemical Exposure: Organic formulations often contain fewer pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilisers, decreasing potential skin irritants.


Proper Storage to Ensure Product Longevity

Bakuchiol, like many other natural ingredients, requires some TLC when it comes to storage:

  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Sunlight can degrade the quality of Bakuchiol. Always store your product in a cool, dark place.
  • Tight Sealing: Ensure the product’s lid or cap is tightly sealed to avoid contamination and reduce exposure to air, which can lessen its efficacy.
  • Check Expiry Dates: While Bakuchiol has a decent shelf life, like all skincare products, it won’t last forever. Regularly check the expiry date to ensure its potency.

By following these guidelines, you can make the most of this natural wonder, ensuring your skin reaps the maximum rewards.




Market & Brands

Note: As with any skincare product, individual experiences may vary. What works wonders for one person might not be the best fit for another. It’s always advisable to seek professional guidance and undertake patch tests before fully integrating a new product into your routine.


In the dynamic realm of skincare, Bakuchiol has rapidly risen as a beacon of hope for many. Let’s take a moment to reflect on its prominence and how it stands tall when compared to the well-established retinol.

Bakuchiol, derived from the seeds and leaves of the Babchi plant, has long roots in traditional medicine. Its foray into modern skincare has been relatively recent, but the buzz it has created is undeniable. The draw? A multitude of skin benefits without the often-associated adverse reactions of its counterpart, retinol.

When it comes to Bakuchiol vs. Retinol, the former surely presents an edge. While both ingredients aim to combat the signs of ageing, retinol often comes with a laundry list of side effects – dryness, flakiness, and heightened skin sensitivity, to name a few. Conversely, Bakuchiol offers similar rejuvenating outcomes without these potential pitfalls. Its gentle nature has made it a go-to, especially for sensitive skin.

However, as with any skincare product, Bakuchiol isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. While its safety profile is commendable, potential users should approach it with awareness and, when in doubt, consult with a skincare specialist. Patch tests remain an advisable step, ensuring compatibility with one’s skin.

To wrap up, Bakuchiol’s allure lies in its effectiveness and gentleness, a combination seldom found in the skincare world. As an alternative to retinol, it has showcased remarkable potential. Yet, like any journey to radiant skin, patience, persistence, and understanding individual needs are key.

Here’s to the power of nature, channelled through Bakuchiol, in our quest for youthful, glowing skin. Until the next skincare revelation!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Bakuchiol?

Bakuchiol is a remarkable compound derived from the seeds and leaves of the Babchi plant (Psoralea corylifolia), a botanical traditionally used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for its vast array of healing properties. In recent years, Bakuchiol has garnered attention in the skincare realm as a natural alternative to retinol, the well-known vitamin A derivative used for its anti-aging benefits.

Unlike retinol, which can sometimes be harsh on the skin, Bakuchiol offers many of the same benefits – such as reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone – but without the common side effects like dryness, flakiness, or heightened skin sensitivity. This makes it an appealing option for those looking for effective skincare solutions that are also gentle and plant-derived.


What does Bakuchiol do for your skin?

Bakuchiol has been hailed as a groundbreaking skincare ingredient, primarily due to its similarity in effects to retinol but with a gentler profile. Here’s what Bakuchiol can do for your skin:

  1. Anti-Aging: Like retinol, Bakuchiol stimulates the skin’s production of collagen. This helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to a more youthful complexion.
  2. Skin Elasticity: Bakuchiol enhances the skin’s elasticity, making it appear firmer and more supple.
  3. Texture Improvement: Regular use can smooth out the skin’s texture, reducing rough patches and giving it a more refined look.
  4. Reduction in Hyperpigmentation: Bakuchiol has shown efficacy in reducing dark spots and uneven skin tone, providing a more balanced and radiant complexion.
  5. Acne Control: Some studies suggest that Bakuchiol possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can be beneficial for those dealing with acne and breakouts.
  6. Antioxidant Protection: Bakuchiol has antioxidant properties that help shield the skin from oxidative stress, a leading cause of premature ageing.
  7. Safe for Sensitive Skin: Unlike retinol, which can sometimes cause skin irritation, especially when first introduced to one’s skincare routine, Bakuchiol tends to be more gentle. This makes it a preferable option for those with sensitive skin or for those who find retinol too aggressive.
  8. Moisturising: Bakuchiol aids in skin hydration, locking in moisture and preventing dryness.


Can bakuchiol replace retinol?

Bakuchiol has garnered significant attention as a plant-based natural alternative to retinol. While bakuchiol offers many of the same benefits as retinol, it doesn’t mean one can replace the other entirely. For those seeking a natural alternative or those with sensitive skin, bakuchiol might be the preferable choice. However, decades of research have backed retinol’s effectiveness, and it remains a gold-standard anti-aging ingredient.

Bakuchiol and retinol should be based on individual skin needs, tolerance levels, and personal preferences. It might even be beneficial to incorporate both into a skincare routine, using bakuchiol in the morning and retinol in the evening or alternating days to harness the unique qualities of each. Always consult with a dermatologist or skincare specialist when making significant changes to your regimen.

Let’s delve into their comparative aspects:

Bakuchiol vs Retinol Similarities:

  1. Anti-Aging Benefits: Both bakuchiol and retinol stimulate collagen production, thus helping reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  2. Skin Texture and Tone: Both ingredients assist in refining skin texture and reducing hyperpigmentation, leading to a more even complexion.
  3. Acne Control: Their anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce acne and breakouts.


Bakuchiol vs Retinol Differences:

  1. Mechanism of Action: While both compounds offer similar benefits, they function differently on a cellular level. Retinol works by binding directly to retinoid receptors in the skin, while the exact mechanism of bakuchiol remains more ambiguous.
  2. Side Effects: Retinol, especially when first introduced, can cause skin irritation, redness, and peeling. Bakuchiol, on the other hand, is touted for its gentler nature, making it more suitable for sensitive skin types or those who’ve experienced retinol-related irritation.
  3. Natural Origin: Bakuchiol is derived from the seeds of the Psoralea corylifolia plant, making it a 100% natural alternative, whereas retinol is often synthetically derived in skincare products.
  4. Stability: Bakuchiol is more stable than retinol when exposed to light and air, which can extend the shelf-life and effectiveness of products containing it.


Are there any specific skin conditions or types that may respond better to one over the other?

Based on the medical literature, bakuchiol may be particularly beneficial for patients with sensitive skin types or conditions such as eczema, rosacea, or cosmetic intolerance syndrome, as it has been shown to be well tolerated in these populations.

Additionally, bakuchiol has demonstrated efficacy in improving post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), particularly in individuals with skin of colour, and maybe a suitable option for patients with acne-related PIH.

Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties also make it a potential alternative for acne treatment.

Conversely, retinol is a well-established treatment for photoaging and hyperpigmentation but may be less suitable for patients with sensitive skin due to its potential to cause irritation.

Therefore, bakuchiol could be considered over retinol for patients who are prone to skin irritation or have conditions that make them more sensitive to the adverse effects of retinoids.


Does bakuchiol increase collagen?

Collagen is a crucial protein in our skin, responsible for maintaining its elasticity, firmness, and youthful appearance. As we age, collagen production naturally decreases, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and skin laxity. To combat these signs of ageing, many turn to skincare ingredients that can boost collagen synthesis.

Bakuchiol and Collagen Production Research indicates that Bakuchiol might play a role in stimulating collagen production:

  1. Direct Stimulation: Studies have shown that Bakuchiol can stimulate key molecules in the collagen production pathway, similar to how retinol works, but without the associated irritation that retinol can sometimes cause.
  2. Antioxidant Properties: Bakuchiol possesses antioxidant qualities that help fight free radicals. These free radicals are harmful compounds that can degrade collagen and accelerate skin ageing.
  3. Inhibition of Collagenase: Collagenase is an enzyme that breaks down collagen. Some evidence suggests that Bakuchiol may inhibit collagenase activity, further protecting the skin’s collagen reserves.

Is it OK to use bakuchiol every day?

Absolutely! Bakuchiol has garnered attention in the skincare community for its gentleness, especially when juxtaposed against retinol. The soothing nature of bakuchiol allows many to enjoy its benefits daily.

Here’s a breakdown of why many choose to incorporate bakuchiol into their daily routines:

  1. Skin-Friendly Nature: Bakuchiol is renowned for being less aggressive than retinol. This reduces the chances of common side effects like irritation, dryness, and peeling, which some individuals experience with retinol.
  2. Consistency Brings Results: Regular and consistent application of skincare ingredients often paves the way for better results. By integrating bakuchiol into your daily regimen, you’re likely to witness its skin-enhancing benefits more prominently.
  3. Versatility in Application: Thanks to its stable profile, bakuchiol can be applied at any time of the day—be it morning or evening. If you’re using it as part of your morning routine, it’s advisable to layer on sunscreen afterwards to offer your skin protection against UV rays.
  4. Personalised Approach: While bakuchiol is celebrated for its broad tolerability, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s skin has unique needs. Consider doing a patch test if you’re introducing bakuchiol for the first time. If you observe any sensitivities or adverse reactions, you might want to alter its frequency of use or seek guidance from a skincare expert.
  5. Pairing with Other Actives: Bakuchiol harmoniously blends with many skincare routines, even those that contain other active ingredients. However, it’s always prudent to exercise caution when layering multiple actives to avoid potential overstimulation.

Is 1% bakuchiol enough?

The efficacy of bakuchiol depends on its concentration in skincare products, as well as the individual needs of the user. Let’s delve deeper into the topic:

  1. Concentration Matters: Many clinical studies on bakuchiol have used concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 2%. Products with 1% bakuchiol are often positioned in this range, suggesting that they contain a concentration that has demonstrated noticeable benefits in research.
  2. Comparable to Retinol: Studies have indicated that 1% bakuchiol can offer results similar to 1% retinol, especially in terms of addressing signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles and reduced skin elasticity. However, the beauty of bakuchiol lies in its gentler profile, which means fewer side effects such as skin irritation and dryness.
  3. Application Frequency: Bakuchiol’s benefits are tied to its concentration and frequency of application. For many, using a product with 1% bakuchiol once or twice daily can yield positive outcomes.
  4. Skin’s Individual Response: It’s important to remember that everyone’s skin is unique. Some individuals might find 1% bakuchiol sufficient, while others might seek products with slightly higher concentrations for enhanced results.
  5. Combination with Other Ingredients: Bakuchiol’s effectiveness can also be influenced by other ingredients in the product. When combined with moisturising agents, antioxidants, or other beneficial compounds, a 1% bakuchiol formulation might offer more pronounced skin benefits.


How long does it take to see results with bakuchiol?

Bakuchiol has become a darling in the skincare realm because of its ability to offer benefits akin to retinol but with a gentler touch on the skin. However, like many skincare ingredients, patience is key when anticipating visible results. Here’s what you can generally expect:

  • Initial Response (1-2 Weeks):
    • In the first few days to a week of using bakuchiol, you might observe a boost in skin hydration and a subtle improvement in overall skin texture.
    • Any initial redness or minor irritation (particularly for sensitive skin) usually subsides as the skin acclimates to the product.
  • Short-term Results (4-6 Weeks):
    • After a month or so, a noticeable improvement in skin clarity, brightness, and tone can be observed.
    • Early signs of reduction in fine lines and a more even complexion may begin to emerge, although these benefits will become more prominent with continued use.
  • Long-term Results (3-6 Months):
    • With consistent use over several months, bakuchiol can significantly diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
    • There’s also a more pronounced improvement in skin elasticity and firmness and an overall reduction in signs of ageing.
    • Dark spots and hyperpigmentation may also start to fade, leading to a more even skin tone.
  • Extended Results (6 Months and Beyond):
    • As you continue to incorporate bakuchiol into your skincare routine over extended periods, you can expect its benefits to be maintained. The skin remains supple, with a visibly reduced appearance of age spots, wrinkles, and other imperfections.

It’s essential to remember that individual experiences may vary based on factors like skin type, the concentration of bakuchiol in the product, and the presence of other active ingredients. Regular use, a comprehensive skin care routine, and sun protection will maximise bakuchiol’s benefits. Moreover, while the ingredient does offer impressive results, setting realistic expectations and giving your skin ample time to adjust and show changes will enhance your skincare journey.

What are the side effects of bakuchiol?

Bakuchiol has gained attention in the skincare world due to its retinol-like benefits without the common side effects associated with retinol. However, as with any ingredient, it’s essential to understand how it might affect the skin.

Let’s delve into the potential side effects of bakuchiol:

  • Skin Irritation: Even though bakuchiol is celebrated for being gentler than retinol, some users might experience mild irritation, especially if they have particularly sensitive skin. Symptoms could include redness, itchiness, or a slight burning sensation.
  • Allergic Reactions: Rarely, individuals might be allergic to bakuchiol or other ingredients present in a bakuchiol-containing product. Signs of an allergic reaction include hives, extreme redness, and swelling.
  • Dryness: A few users have reported increased dryness after using bakuchiol. This could be due to the product formulation or a reaction specific to the individual’s skin type.
  • Interactions with Other Products: When combined with other active ingredients, there’s a potential for increased skin sensitivity or reactions. It’s always a good idea to introduce new products gradually and observe any changes in the skin.
  • Overuse: As with many skincare products, over-applying or using bakuchiol too frequently might increase sensitivity or other unwanted effects.

It’s worth noting that most users tolerate bakuchiol well, especially when compared to stronger actives like retinol. However, to minimise potential side effects:

  • Always perform a patch test before using a new product.
  • Start with a lower concentration and gradually work your way up if needed.
  • Listen to your skin: If it feels sensitive or irritated, reduce the frequency of use or consult a dermatologist.


Can you use bakuchiol under the eyes?

Bakuchiol can be used under the eyes, and its gentle nature makes it an appealing alternative to retinol for this sensitive area. The skin around the eyes is thin and more susceptible to signs of ageing, like fine lines and wrinkles. The following points explain why bakuchiol is beneficial for this delicate region:

  1. Gentleness: The skin under the eyes is particularly delicate. Bakuchiol, known for its mild action compared to retinol, can provide anti-ageing benefits without the typical irritations some users experience with retinol.
  2. Anti-Aging Properties: Bakuchiol helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles commonly found around the eye area.
  3. Hydration: Some formulations with bakuchiol also contain moisturising ingredients. This added hydration can benefit the under-eye area, which often lacks sebaceous glands and can become dry.
  4. Skin Elasticity: Bakuchiol may promote collagen production, improving skin elasticity and firmness, both beneficial for the eye region.

However, when using bakuchiol or any other active skincare ingredient around the eyes, one should exercise caution:

  • Patch Test: Always conduct a patch test to ensure no adverse reaction, especially when applying a new product around the sensitive eye area.
  • Application Method: Use your ring finger for application since it naturally applies the least pressure. Gently tap the product around the orbital bone, avoiding direct eye contact.
  • Product Formulation: Opt for products specifically designed for the eye area or those that indicate they are safe for such use. These formulations typically have ingredients best suited for the thin and sensitive skin around the eyes.



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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. If you have specific concerns or medical conditions, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised guidance and support.

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