Best Men’s Ab Workouts to Get Shredded

mens abs workout

Achieving a shredded six-pack isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about building a strong core that supports overall fitness and stability. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your athletic performance or simply want to look great at the beach, the right ab workout can make all the difference. From quick routines to intense circuits, we’ve compiled the best men’s ab workouts to help you get those enviable abs.


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Key Takeaways

  • Consistency is key to achieving and maintaining a shredded six-pack.
  • Incorporating a variety of exercises can target different areas of your core for balanced strength.
  • Short, intense workouts can be just as effective as longer sessions.
  • Combining bodyweight exercises with equipment like dumbbells can enhance your ab workouts.
  • Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in revealing your hard-earned abs.


1. The Ultimate Crunch-Free Abs Workout


If you’re tired of traditional crunches, this Ultimate Crunch-Free Abs Workout is perfect for you. This routine focuses on exercises that target your core without the need for crunches, making it an excellent lower abs workout at home.



  • Avoids neck and back strain associated with crunches
  • Engages multiple muscle groups for a comprehensive workout
  • Suitable for all fitness levels



  1. Plank Variations: Planks are a staple in any good lower abs workout. Try side planks and plank jacks to keep things interesting.
  2. Leg Raises: This is one of the best workouts for lower abs. Lie flat on your back and slowly raise your legs to a 90-degree angle.
  3. Mountain Climbers: A dynamic move that not only works your abs but also gets your heart rate up.
  4. Bicycle Kicks: Great for targeting the obliques and lower abs.
  5. Flutter Kicks: Another excellent workout to gain abs, focusing on the lower part of your core.


Tips for Success

  • Maintain proper form to avoid injury
  • Incorporate these exercises into your regular workout routine
  • Stay consistent for the best results

You don’t have to do a million situps for six-pack abs. We’re giving you the best muscle-defining moves for a stronger core, without the crunch.



This crunch-free routine is the best workout to build abs without the discomfort of traditional crunches. Incorporate these exercises into your fitness regimen to carve out a defined six-pack.


2. The Perfect 15-Minute Ab Workout


Before diving into the workout, warming up your core muscles is crucial. Spend 2-3 minutes doing light cardio, such as jogging in place or jumping jacks, to get your blood flowing.


Circuit 1: Core Activation

  1. Plank – 1 minute
  2. Bicycle Crunches – 1 minute
  3. Russian Twists – 1 minute


Circuit 2: Strength Building

  1. Leg Raises – 1 minute
  2. Mountain Climbers – 1 minute
  3. Flutter Kicks – 1 minute


Circuit 3: Finisher

  1. Side Plank (each side) – 30 seconds
  2. V-Ups – 1 minute
  3. Hollow Hold – 1 minute


Cool Down

Finish with a 2-minute cool down, focusing on stretching your core muscles. This helps in reducing muscle soreness and improving flexibility.

Bold moves and italicized exercises make this one of the best men’s ab workouts. This routine is designed to be efficient and effective, making it one of the top Men’s Ab Workouts you can do anywhere.


3. This Workout Increases Strength and Stability

You’ll Have Better Balance

A strong core keeps your torso more stable whenever you move, whether you’re playing sports or just doing chores. This will translate into both your training and everyday movements.


Trainer Tip

Think about maintaining tension in your abs throughout the entire movement, says Wealth. Once the movement is mastered, you can add additional weights to the barbell. By going up in small increments, though, you’ll stay injury-free.


Bird Dog

Equipment: None.


Hollow Extension-to-Cannonball

Equipment: None. Make sure your lower back stays in contact with the floor, and try to keep your breathing as regular as possible. This movement helps to train left-right coordination between the upper and lower extremities, which can help improve cognitive function, too.

A strong core is essential for overall strength and stability. It not only enhances your physical performance but also improves your balance and coordination in daily activities.


4. Carve a Defined Six-pack with Our Abs Finisher

Our abs finisher is the best abs workout on the internet for sculpting a six-pack. This routine is designed to push your core to its limits, ensuring you get the most out of every rep. Follow this guide to train your abs, strengthen your core, and earn a rock-hard six-pack.

Exercise 1: Hanging Leg Raises

Exercise 2: Russian Twists

Exercise 3: Bicycle Crunches

Exercise 4: Flutter Kicks

Exercise 5: Plank Variations

For optimal results, perform each exercise with controlled movements and focus on engaging your core throughout the workout. Consistency is key to seeing those defined abs emerge.


5. The Best Bodyweight Workout for Burning Belly Fat


Bodyweight workouts are incredibly effective when it comes to burning abdominal fat. They require no equipment and can be done anywhere, making them perfect for busy schedules.

Key Exercises

  1. Plank Variations: Planks are excellent for engaging the core. Try side planks and plank jacks to add variety.
  2. Mountain Climbers: This exercise not only works your abs but also increases your heart rate, aiding in fat loss.
  3. Bicycle Crunches: A great way to target the obliques and lower abs.
  4. Leg Raises: Focuses on the lower abdominal muscles.
  5. Burpees: A full-body exercise that also targets the core.


Workout Routine

ExerciseDuration/ Reps
Plank Variations3 sets of 30s
Mountain Climbers3 sets of 20
Bicycle Crunches3 sets of 15
Leg Raises3 sets of 15
Burpees3 sets of 10

Tips for Success

  • Consistency: Stick to your routine to see the best results.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help with fat loss.
  • Nutrition: Combine your workout with a balanced diet for optimal results.

Remember, the key to burning belly fat is a combination of consistent exercise and a healthy diet. Stay committed and you’ll see results!


6. The 10-minute Six-pack Abs Workout

Quick Overview

If you’re short on time but still want to get a solid abs workout, this 10-minute routine is perfect for you. This quick abdominal workout is designed to target all areas of your core, ensuring you get a comprehensive abdomen workout in just a few minutes.


Workout Structure

The workout consists of five exercises, each performed for 45 seconds with a 15-second rest in between. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Bicycle Crunches
  • Leg Raises
  • Russian Twists
  • Plank with Shoulder Taps
  • Mountain Climbers



  • Efficient and effective abs workout for men at home
  • Can be done anywhere, no equipment needed
  • Targets multiple muscle groups in the abdomen

This mens ab workout routine is ideal for those who want to maximize their time and still achieve great results. Incorporate this abs exercise into your daily routine for a stronger, more defined core.


Tips for Success

  • Maintain proper form to avoid injury
  • Engage your core throughout each exercise
  • Breathe steadily and don’t rush through the movements

This abs workout is a fantastic addition to any fitness regimen, providing a quick yet intense session that will help you carve out a six-pack in no time.


7. The World’s Best Home Six-pack Circuit


This home circuit is designed to hit all your core muscles effectively. No gym equipment is required, making it perfect for those who prefer working out at home.



  1. Swiss Ball Rollout
  2. Dumbbell Side Bend
  3. Russian Twists
  4. Hanging Leg Raises



  • Perform each exercise for 45 seconds.
  • Rest for 15 seconds between exercises.
  • Complete 3 rounds for a full workout.



  • Maintain proper form to avoid injury.
  • Focus on controlled movements rather than speed.

This circuit is a great way to build a strong core and achieve a six-pack without needing to go to the gym.



8. Build a Summer-ready Six Pack in 20 Minutes

Summer’s almost here. Get your body ready now. Use these workouts and exercises to build your summer body for a fitter, happier, more active season in the sun. Work out in a gym or at home with this efficient 20-minute routine.



Start with a 5-minute warm-up to get your blood flowing and muscles ready. This can include light cardio like jogging in place or jumping jacks.


Circuit 1: Core Activation

  1. Plank – 1 minute
  2. Bicycle Crunches – 1 minute
  3. Russian Twists – 1 minute


Circuit 2: Intense Burn

  1. Leg Raises – 1 minute
  2. Mountain Climbers – 1 minute
  3. Flutter Kicks – 1 minute


Cool Down

Finish with a 5-minute cool down to relax your muscles and prevent injury. Stretch your core and take deep breaths.

Consistency is key. Stick to this routine, and you’ll see results in no time.


9. Chris Hemsworth’s 320-rep Circuit

Chris Hemsworth’s 320-rep circuit is designed to torch your core and reveal your abs. This intense workout is not for the faint-hearted but promises incredible results if you stick with it. Below is a breakdown of the exercises involved in this circuit.

Exercise Breakdown

  1. Dumbbell Incline Chest Press – 12 reps
  2. Dumbbell Push-up – 10 reps
  3. Dumbbell Row – 15 reps each side
  4. Dumbbell Deadlift – 20 reps
  5. Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 12 reps
  6. Dumbbell Bicep Curl – 15 reps
  7. Dumbbell Tricep Extension – 15 reps
  8. Dumbbell Squat – 20 reps
  9. Dumbbell Lunge – 15 reps each side
  10. Dumbbell Russian Twist – 20 reps each side


Tips for Success

  • Ensure you maintain proper form throughout the workout to avoid injury.
  • Start with a weight that challenges you but allows you to complete all reps.
  • Rest for 60 seconds between each exercise to keep your heart rate up.

This circuit is a true test of endurance and strength, pushing you to your limits and beyond.


10. A Bodyweight Abs & Core Workout for Any Level of Fitness

This workout is designed to be accessible for everyone, regardless of fitness level. Consistency is key to seeing results, so make sure to incorporate this routine into your weekly schedule. The exercises focus on building a strong core without the need for any equipment.



Start with a 5-minute warm-up to get your blood flowing and muscles ready. You can do jumping jacks, high knees, or a light jog.


Exercise Routine

  1. Plank – Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  2. Bicycle Crunches – 15 to 20 reps per side.
  3. Leg Raises – 15 reps.
  4. Mountain Climbers – 20 to 30 seconds.
  5. Hollow Holds – Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.


Cool Down

Finish with a 5-minute cool down, including stretches for your abs and lower back.

Remember, the key to a strong core is consistency and proper form. Make sure to engage your core throughout each exercise to maximize effectiveness.



Achieving shredded abs requires a combination of dedication, consistency, and the right workout regimen. The exercises and routines highlighted in this article provide a comprehensive approach to targeting your core from all angles, ensuring balanced development and strength. Remember, it’s not just about the workouts; a nutrient-rich diet and disciplined lifestyle choices play crucial roles in revealing those hard-earned muscles. Stay committed, track your progress, and challenge yourself regularly. With perseverance and the right strategies, you’ll be well on your way to carving out a defined six-pack.


Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I do ab workouts?

Aim to do ab workouts 3-4 times per week for optimal results. It’s important to allow your muscles time to recover between sessions.


Can I get a six-pack just by doing ab exercises?

While ab exercises are crucial, achieving a six-pack also requires a balanced diet and overall body fat reduction through cardio and strength training.


How long does it take to see results from men’s ab workouts?

Results can vary depending on your starting point and consistency. Generally, you may start to see some definition in 4-8 weeks with regular workouts and a proper diet.


Are crunches effective for building abs?

Crunches can be effective but they are not the only exercise for building abs. Incorporating a variety of exercises that target different parts of the core can yield better results.


Do I need any equipment for these ab workouts?

Most of the workouts listed can be done with minimal to no equipment. However, some exercises may benefit from using items like dumbbells, resistance bands, or a pull-up bar.


Is it necessary to follow a specific diet to get shredded abs?

Yes, diet plays a significant role in achieving shredded abs. Consuming a nutrient-rich diet, staying hydrated, and maintaining a calorie deficit are essential for reducing body fat and revealing your abs.


Top abdominal workout for women

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